Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Semana 5 (un mes) en Patzicia

I have been in Guatemala (Patzicia) for one month and I love it more and more. The mornings and nights are cold, but throughout the day there is mucho calor.

22 Marzo...
Today we went to San Antonio to find our references, but ended up finding other people. I know this gospel can bring so much joy into people's lives if they would just let it. We went to the Church at 3 pm, so I could teach English but it was cancelled and no one told us. So I worked on my Spanish for an extra hour (my miracle of the day.)

23 Marzo...
We visited one of my favorite families after weekly planning and lunch. Their rabbit had babies so I got to hold some for awhile. We taught one of our investigators today sobre the Book of Mormon. I was testifying of it's truth and she asked me how I knew. That definitely made me stop and think. I know without a doubt that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and goes hand in hand with the Bible. Something I learned this week is that the Bible sometimes leaves questions unanswered and the Book of Mormon helps answer those questions.

24 Marzo...
We helped Hna Lucilla (Byron's grandma) build her house as a zone as well as wash her and her family's clothing. I got a little sunburnt, but all is well. There are people everywhere ready to hear the gospel and all we have to do is open our mouths.

25 Marzo..
I was reminded today that Heavenly Father loves and knows each of His children individually. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here in Guatemala sharing this truth with others.

26 Marzo...
Today's miracle is that Elder Sujuy (his first name is Elder.. named after "a missionary" before) went to church. It so exciting to see him so interested and wants to know more. He's a 12 yr old boy, that is Byron's cousin. We met him when we were visiting Byron and he asked for a Book of Mormon. He has read it every day since then.

27 Marzo...
We woke up at 3 am to be in the capital for immigrations. Turnsout, I didn't have an appointment till this Friday. We headed back home, stopping in Chima on our way. We bought everything he needed and then took a nap from 1:30 to 4:30.. We had FHE with one of our investigators that we are hoping can be baptized sometime this week. Funny thing is the Elders asked my companion if we had seen any snakes (men that aren't great), she responded with "Siempre" and that I need to dye my hair.

This week I invite you all to not only watch general conference this Saturday and Sunday, but to write down a question you want answered and look for it throughout the conference. I know the Lord loves us and answers our prayers/questions. Read Moroni 6:4

Con Amor,

Hna Tibbits

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Zone Conference and Snakes


Miércoles.. 03/15
Today we had zone conference! It was fun to see so many missionaries and President y Hermana Markham. Something that hit me during zone conference is that our missions are a blessing. These past weeks have been a little hard to adjust to. I also received a blessing after zone conference, because I had been pretty sick for the past few days. I asked for it in English (the Elder is from CA) and he told me he didn't know how to in English. So the anointing and beginning was in Spanish and the actual blessing was in English. I am so grateful to have willing and worthy priesthood holders nearby to offer blessings when needed. I also am teaching English every Wednesday for an hour and then helping the High School students with their English studies for another hour. It honestly helped my español a little bit.

Jueves.. 03/16
Nothing really happened today. One miracle that happened was when we were meeting with menos activos in the night. I shared 2 Nefi 32:9. I encourage you all to read it (: I bore my testimony on the power of prayer and how HF answers our prayers. The mother actually had a question about that, because she felt like her prayers were never answered. I am glad we were able to answer her question and hopefully she will start to recognize the Lord answering her prayers.

Viernes.. 03/17
I didn't write much today, because my companion was really sick and needed to sleep. We went to the second New Missionaries meeting. I was reunited with Hna DeRosier and got to exchange stories. Something that I liked that Hna Markham said was to serve your mission using your strengths. I struggle sometimes with spanish, but I know I have the scriptures and a patient companion that helps me everyday to improve.

Sábado.. 03/18
I have been a missionary for 2 months today. Crazy how time flies when you're busy. One of my favorite families moved into a different area. That was kind of sad meeting with them for the last time. We also met with a 17 yr old girl who has been attending our church for one hour for 8 months. Weirdly enough, the missionaries before never gave her a BoM or anything. So we are now working with her. We played basketball with some members, just shooting around. I made my first tortillas today.

Domingo.. 03/19
So last week, Hno Bayron was baptized and now we are teaching his cousins. He is already being an example for his family. Him and his grandmother are the only members in their family. His grandmother is inactive, so we are working with her as well.

Lunes.. 03/20
I love PDays! We got to go to Chima for the day with our whole district. We all surprised Hna Rodriguez with a Birthday cake. My companion and I went to buy water, because I needed it (the cake was so rich.) The water was supposed to cost 7.50Q, but the guy gave it to me for 7Q. When my companion told the others what happened, the Elders called him a snake. (a snake is a creepy man in our mission usually trying to flirt with the Hnas.) I was just grateful for water. Nothing much really happened after that. Hnas Rodriguez and Jauregui are leaving on emergency exchanges as well as Elder Salazar, so our district is in for a change.

con amor,
Hna Tibbits
(my mission address)

Avenida Reforma 8-60, Zona 9, Oficina 505
Apartado Postal 921-A
01009 Guatemala City
Avenida Reforma 8-60, Zona 9, Oficina 505
Apartado Postal 921-A
01009 Guatemala City

1. Hna DeRosier and I reunited

Miércoles.. 03/15
Today we had zone conference! It was fun to see so many missionaries and President y Hermana Markham. Something that hit me during zone conference is that our missions are a blessing. These past weeks have been a little hard to adjust to. I also received a blessing after zone conference, because I had been pretty sick for the past few days. I asked for it in English (the Elder is from CA) and he told me he didn't know how to in English. So the anointing and beginning was in Spanish and the actual blessing was in English. I am so grateful to have willing and worthy priesthood holders nearby to offer blessings when needed. I also am teaching English every Wednesday for an hour and then helping the High School students with their English studies for another hour. It honestly helped my español a little bit.

Jueves.. 03/16
Nothing really happened today. One miracle that happened was when we were meeting with menos activos in the night. I shared 2 Nefi 32:9. I encourage you all to read it (: I bore my testimony on the power of prayer and how HF answers our prayers. The mother actually had a question about that, because she felt like her prayers were never answered. I am glad we were able to answer her question and hopefully she will start to recognize the Lord answering her prayers. 

Viernes.. 03/17
I didn't write much today, because my companion was really sick and needed to sleep. We went to the second New Missionaries meeting. I was reunited with Hna DeRosier and got to exchange stories. Something that I liked that Hna Markham said was to serve your mission using your strengths. I struggle sometimes with spanish, but I know I have the scriptures and a patient companion that helps me everyday to improve. 

Sábado.. 03/18 
I have been a missionary for 2 months today. Crazy how time flies when you're busy. One of my favorite families moved into a different area. That was kind of sad meeting with them for the last time. We also met with a 17 yr old girl who has been attending our church for one hour for 8 months. Weirdly enough, the missionaries before never gave her a BoM or anything. So we are now working with her. We played basketball with some members, just shooting around. I made my first tortillas today. 

Domingo.. 03/19 
So last week, Hno Bayron was baptized and now we are teaching his cousins. He is already being an example for his family. Him and his grandmother are the only members in their family. His grandmother is inactive, so we are working with her as well. 

Lunes.. 03/20
I love PDays! We got to go to Chima for the day with our whole district. We all surprised Hna Rodriguez with a Birthday cake. My companion and I went to buy water, because I needed it (the cake was so rich.) The water was supposed to cost 7.50Q, but the guy gave it to me for 7Q. When my companion told the others what happened, the Elders called him a snake. (a snake is a creepy man in our mission usually trying to flirt with the Hnas.) I was just grateful for water. Nothing much really happened after that. Hnas Rodriguez and Jauregui are leaving on emergency exchanges as well as Elder Salazar, so our district is in for a change.

con amor, 
Hna Tibbits
(my mission address)

Avenida Reforma 8-60, Zona 9, Oficina 505
Apartado Postal 921-A
01009 Guatemala City
Avenida Reforma 8-60, Zona 9, Oficina 505
Apartado Postal 921-A
01009 Guatemala City

1. Hna DeRosier and I reunited

2. My companion thinks I am crazy because I am always wrapped in my US flag blanket. It's my little piece of home. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Hermana Pequenos y Bayron's Baptism

This week I learned "Tibbit" is small in Cakchiquel, so I am Hermana Smalls to those that know Cakchiquel...

8 de Marzo..
I miss the days in the CCM when Elders would eat whatever I didn't want to eat.. Today, we visited Bayron and got permission from his mom to be baptized this Saturday. We also had cleaning inspections and passed! We found a woman that can't walk and really needs hope in her life. We were able to visit with her and share a brief message about the hope and peace this gospel brings. Not much really happened.

9 de Marzo..
We went to San Antonio today and found 3 new investigators. I attended my first ward council. I also got my first thing for free, because I am a cachita. I feel like so much happened this week, but I don't know what to write about.

10 de Marzo..
This whole time I thought our area was big and I hadn't even gone to one part of it. Today we took 2 busitos to get to los Planes. One lady wouldn't give us her name, but invited us to come back and teach her. That was weird. Bayron is being baptized tomorrow.

11 de Marzo...
Today was a really fun day. We went to the Bishop's house to get keys to the church to start filling the baptismal font. We started everything at 11:30 and then left to get lunch. We gave the keys back to the Bishop first, so he could turn the water off while we were at lunch.  We got to eat out, because our lunch appointment fell through. I finally ate something that tasted like the Mexican food back home. We met with Bayron to help get him ready for his baptismal interview. We went back to the church to see less than a foot of water in the font and the water wouldn't turn back on. The Elders then got buckets of water from the public washing area and filled it just enough so Bayron could sit and then lay down completely immersed in water for his baptism. Bayron was baptized!

12 de Marzo..
Bayron was confirmed in Sacrament meeting today. We had an activity with the members of the Calvario ward in San Antonio. We now have 26 references (we had a similar activity the day before with the Patzicia ward in Patzicia.) I saw and was in my first downfall of rain in Guatemala. It rains so fast and hard and then it's back to normal.. People say my Español is improving, which I am seriously thankful for.

13 de Marzo..
Today was Pday. The zone leaders called to invited us to play fútbol with the rest of our district. We kicked the ball around with the Elders while we waited for the other Hermanas. After the other Hermanas arrived, we played a game. The Elders kept telling me to score a goal, but I liked defense a lot more. Afterwards, Hna. Juaregui and I practiced shooting while an Elder was the goalie. Needless to say, my right ankle is bruised and it hurts to walk. But all is good, it builds character. I love PDays (:

Hermana Tibbits

The Elders helping fill the Baptismal font. All the women carry these pots of water and basically anything on their heads (like the one Elder).
Bayron's Baptism

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Semana Uno Como Una Cachita

Miércoles.. 03/01
Mi primera district meeting happened. We ate lunch as a district and I almost started crying when a young girl asked me if I missed my family.. I have learned to eat everything on my plate (which is a hard task sometimes.) We went to work proselyting afterwards. It was an average day. Funny (sort of) story of the day: While walking to an investigator's house, we passed a group of young men (maybe 20s) playing kickball. The one kicking looked up, saw me and exclaimed, "wow!" Then all the others turned around and started talking in Español. We passed by and my companion is just laughing and I am flustered. Our investigator wasn't home and to leave the area we had to pass them again.. So we start walking up the street and they kick their ball down at me. My companion then kicked it back to them. We begin to pass them and they say "Buenos Tardes Cachita!" My companion invites them to attend church, like a good missionary. One man replied by saying only if I went closer and gave them directions. Needless to say, my companion thinks I need to "paint" my hair. (dye)

Jueves.. 03/02
Today was a good day. Nothing much happened. We went contacting and one investigator asked me to pray in English. I stumbled a bit, because I would begin to say the word in Español. Overall, not much happened, except a lot of planning in the morning and a lot of walking in the afternoon and evening.

Viernes.. 03/03
Today was one of the best days ever, minus the waking up at 3 am and super cold, windy weather. I got to spend most of the day with Hermana DeRosier. All new missionaries had to go to the capital for a meeting. There's apparently 2 more meeting for new missionaries. It was fun to catch up and talk in English. It was funny to watch the older missionaries try to speak English, until I couldn't remember the English word for "folleto" y "casa" when talking to Hna. DeRosier. When heading to catch a bus back to Patzicia, I was running across the street with my companion and I didn't notice her stopping and the car coming... Needless to say, I am alive and well. I definitely screamed a bit, but my companion pulled me back and I have learned my lesson.

Sábado.. 03/04
It's so cold here... I have realized I don't like all the food here. Some of it is really bland and gross. Everyone here drinks MOCAFE and I absolutely hate it. You can't refuse food or drink here, because it's really rude.

Domingo.. 03/05
I have never eaten so much food in my entire life. All the members give you Taza (a hot drink) with sweet bread whenever you visit. I had it 4 times and I no longer like it... Also, spilling a whole cup of it doesn't get you out of drinking it... You just get another cup of it. (it was totally an accident, but it was funny.) Little kids come up to us yelling "misioneras" and hug us. Oh, I also got to do an hour of service. Yo desgrané maiz. I don't know how to describe it in English.

Lunes.. 03/06
PDay was a lot of fun. We went shopping. We also cleaned the house a bit before going out with the other Hermanas. We went to Tecpan and it was a lot of fun. Guatemala is so beautiful. I wish I could attach pictures. Hna. Rodriguez says I am going to get fat and wants to see me in 8 months. I hope that's not the case. We finished cleaning and took a nap. At 5, we got to work again. We were visiting a member family. Her hijo called me, "Hermana Gringo" until he learned my real name. Also when visiting a less active, her hijo asked me, "Sabe Inglés?"  I answered yes and he went and got his backpack. He pulled out a notebook and began quizzing me. He would say the word in Spanish and I was supposed to translate. After several words and phrases, he says "Sí, sabe Ingles." I hadn't realized it was a test.

The days are long and hard, but I am happy. I have more love for Patzicia every day. "No soy perfecto; pero cada dia me esfuerzo por ser mejor."

¡The one and only pelirroja in Patzicia!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

My first few days in Guatemala

Lunes.. 2/27
So Hermana DeRosier and I made it to Guatemala safely. Our mission president didn't know we weren't in the Guatemala CCM this whole time until like a day or two before we arrived. We were greeted by two Elders, who took our bags and led us to the car. While walking to the car, one of them asked how much Spanish I knew... He talked really fast and I must have had a worried face, because the next thing he said was, "Don't worry, we speak English too." They drove us to the Hermanas' house and dropped us off with them for the day and night. It was their PDay and one of them was getting transferred the next day, so we just followed them as they visited people and shopped. It was fun. We got to eat at a member's house and play "Do you love your neighbor?" That night at the Hermanas' house, we basically just heard all the bad things that may happen to us.

Martes.. 2/28
Hermana DeRosier and I were separated... She's in the coastal area and I am in the montañas. I am in Patzicia. It's gorgeous here, but we're not allowed to carry cameras unless it's PDays, the day we email or we're being transferred soon. I have definitely never lived like this. I thought living in Korea would keep me from getting culture shock, but it's different from anything I have ever known. I also thought I was escaping the cold, but I didn't.. It is so cold in my area in the morning. However, the showers are warm and I have 3 blankets. My companion is Hermana Romero, from the Honduras. She speaks super fast. She also walks as fast as she talks. She is super sweet and nice though. She's learning English and wants me to help teach her. I want her to teach me Spanish. People stare at me, because of my red hair, fair skin and blue eyes. My companion told me to not feel weird about it. She also said, "no look at my companion!" We visited various investigators and inactive members. We walk a ton. We found a 17 yr old boy named Walter (I think) and he agreed to attend church on Sunday. We have 3 investigators with baptismal dates.  At the end of the day, we went to the Bishop's house and I helped his daughter with English. That was probably the highlight of my day. The girl reminded me of my sisters and how much I miss them.

Miércoles.. 3/01
Today, we woke up at 5 am, so we could study from 6-7 and leave the house at 7:30 for district meeting. That was interesting. I know the most powerful thing I can do is bear my simple testimony. I love Guatemala. It's different, but a good different. I can't wait for more adventures. I can't wait to learn more español to be able to communicate better with my compañera and the people in general. I love this gospel. I am grateful for the opportunity to be in Guatemala.

Some advice my ZL gave me: Look for at least one miracle a day. I know that God's hand is in our lives daily. He loves us and wants the best for us.

Con amor,
         Hermana Tibbits

My First District in the field.