I have been in Guatemala (Patzicia) for one month and I love it more and more. The mornings and nights are cold, but throughout the day there is mucho calor.
22 Marzo...
Today we went to San Antonio to find our references, but ended up finding other people. I know this gospel can bring so much joy into people's lives if they would just let it. We went to the Church at 3 pm, so I could teach English but it was cancelled and no one told us. So I worked on my Spanish for an extra hour (my miracle of the day.)
23 Marzo...
We visited one of my favorite families after weekly planning and lunch. Their rabbit had babies so I got to hold some for awhile. We taught one of our investigators today sobre the Book of Mormon. I was testifying of it's truth and she asked me how I knew. That definitely made me stop and think. I know without a doubt that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and goes hand in hand with the Bible. Something I learned this week is that the Bible sometimes leaves questions unanswered and the Book of Mormon helps answer those questions.
24 Marzo...
We helped Hna Lucilla (Byron's grandma) build her house as a zone as well as wash her and her family's clothing. I got a little sunburnt, but all is well. There are people everywhere ready to hear the gospel and all we have to do is open our mouths.
25 Marzo..
I was reminded today that Heavenly Father loves and knows each of His children individually. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here in Guatemala sharing this truth with others.
26 Marzo...
Today's miracle is that Elder Sujuy (his first name is Elder.. named after "a missionary" before) went to church. It so exciting to see him so interested and wants to know more. He's a 12 yr old boy, that is Byron's cousin. We met him when we were visiting Byron and he asked for a Book of Mormon. He has read it every day since then.
27 Marzo...
We woke up at 3 am to be in the capital for immigrations. Turnsout, I didn't have an appointment till this Friday. We headed back home, stopping in Chima on our way. We bought everything he needed and then took a nap from 1:30 to 4:30.. We had FHE with one of our investigators that we are hoping can be baptized sometime this week. Funny thing is the Elders asked my companion if we had seen any snakes (men that aren't great), she responded with "Siempre" and that I need to dye my hair.
This week I invite you all to not only watch general conference this Saturday and Sunday, but to write down a question you want answered and look for it throughout the conference. I know the Lord loves us and answers our prayers/questions. Read Moroni 6:4
Con Amor,
Hna Tibbits