18 Abril..
I learned a lesson today: Don't trust Elders. 3 of the Elders in our district are from Mexico.When I was talking with Mamacata, they put chile on my mango. So yeah, I have now eaten a mango with chile. Hno Felix is going to attend church again this Sunday and has his baptism date set for the 30th of Abril.
19 Abril..
We woke up at 3:20 AM to travel all the way to the capital for Immigrations. Hna DeRosier and I got to catch up and tell each other what is going on in our areas. After 3 hours in Immigrations, I came back to the Church oficina to my companion, who had a drink and a donut for me. We had a fun Noche de Hogar with the Familia Cwa and Hna Roxana.
20 Abril..
For some reason, everyone gives me so much food and tells me "Eat (coma)!" Today, we had lunch with Mamacata and her husband tried to give me a tortilla room temperature and she said "No, caliente para la canchita." I am known as Barbie, Eva and Canchita para Mamacata.
21 Abril..
Today we had divisions. I stayed in Patzicia with Hna Ortega. So many blessings happened today. We found Hno Enrique and His esposa, Johana. We also had a really good lesson with Hna Roxana about her baptism.
22 Abril..
We had a conferencia with the jovenes about missions. It was a lot of fun. It was fun to hear stories from Hna Romero's mission and E'Utrillo's mission.
23 Abril..
We had a lesson with Hna Roxana after Sacrament meeting and she is going to be baptized this Friday! We found a man that attended church before and met with the missionaries, but wasn't baptized. Hopefully, we can get him to attend church and baptized on the 14th de Mayo. It has started raining a lot here in Patzi.
24 Abril..
Lunes is one of my favorite days of the week. We played volleyball, basketball and soccer with our district. I was really happy to play volleyball and basketball. I tutored again today. I honestly love it so much. It's a special service I can do and it honestly helps my Español.
Some days are hard, some days are the best days ever. I love being a missionary.
Read 2 Nephi 7
con amor,
Hna Tibbits