Well, 2 weeks passed really fast and ended my 7th transfer in the mission. I enjoyed these past 2 weeks in La Hermosa with my companions, but I have been transferred to train my daughter, Hna Gandara. We are super excited about this new adventure together here in Solola. It is so beautiful and I love it here. We have already seen miracles and we have only had a day together.
I went to the temple a week or two ago for the first time here in Guatemala. I absolutely loved it. I am so grateful my companions and I had the opportunity to go to the temple for our PDay. This time of year has been so special and I love being a missionary. I love the Book of Mormon. I know it was written and translated to change and save lives. I know miracles exist. I know Jesus Christ lives and love us individuallly. I know Joseph Smith was a man, but he was also a prophet called of God to restore the church of Jesus Christ.
Feliz Navidad!
con mucho amor,
Hermana Tibbits
1. Temple in Guate
2. My companions and temple in Guate
3. Feliz Navidad
4.My daughter and I (:
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Emergency Transfers
Hola todos!
I am doing super well. I am really happy and really enjoy being a missionary. So on Thursday night, I got a call from the Assistants. I am now in La Hermosa, Villa Hermosa and big surprise they called me to be the Nurse's assistant. So that's cool. They made Emergency Transfers on Monday and I could be in the baptism of Juan Carlos. It was super awesome and President showed up with his wife and daughter (the same age as Kensley). I love being a missionary. Juan Carlos wrote me a super cute card and signed it as "Hermano Juan Carlos" He is 21 and studying engineering at the university. He has always talked to Elders on the buses but they never came to visit him in his house until we showed up. He reads every pamphlet or reading assignment we give him (I am also learning to be a teacher in the mission giving homework but spiritual homework). We taught the Word of Wisdom and the second day we showed up we asked how he was doing and he told us he was keeping the commandments with a smile. (: I love investigators like him. When we were taking pictures at his baptism, he was a little disappointed that he couldn't give us a hug. After his baptism, we were talking to him about serving a mission. He just asked us "You see potential in me?" Umm, yes. My week was super good. We are working with the Light the World campaign. It is super awesome and the video is even better. ( mormon.org )
I want you to invite each and every one of you to share a Book of Mormon with someone you know or maybe someone you don't even know (someone on the street). It will change your life and will also change the life of someone else. The Book of Mormon was made to change and save lives.
con amor,
Hna Tibbits
Pictures of the baptism of Juan Carlos. Also a picture a 6 yr old took of me. (He wouldn't give me my camera until he took a picture of me (: )
I am doing super well. I am really happy and really enjoy being a missionary. So on Thursday night, I got a call from the Assistants. I am now in La Hermosa, Villa Hermosa and big surprise they called me to be the Nurse's assistant. So that's cool. They made Emergency Transfers on Monday and I could be in the baptism of Juan Carlos. It was super awesome and President showed up with his wife and daughter (the same age as Kensley). I love being a missionary. Juan Carlos wrote me a super cute card and signed it as "Hermano Juan Carlos" He is 21 and studying engineering at the university. He has always talked to Elders on the buses but they never came to visit him in his house until we showed up. He reads every pamphlet or reading assignment we give him (I am also learning to be a teacher in the mission giving homework but spiritual homework). We taught the Word of Wisdom and the second day we showed up we asked how he was doing and he told us he was keeping the commandments with a smile. (: I love investigators like him. When we were taking pictures at his baptism, he was a little disappointed that he couldn't give us a hug. After his baptism, we were talking to him about serving a mission. He just asked us "You see potential in me?" Umm, yes. My week was super good. We are working with the Light the World campaign. It is super awesome and the video is even better. ( mormon.org )
I want you to invite each and every one of you to share a Book of Mormon with someone you know or maybe someone you don't even know (someone on the street). It will change your life and will also change the life of someone else. The Book of Mormon was made to change and save lives.
con amor,
Hna Tibbits
Pictures of the baptism of Juan Carlos. Also a picture a 6 yr old took of me. (He wouldn't give me my camera until he took a picture of me (: )
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
20 years old and 10 months into my mission
Hola todos!! I am doing super good! How is everyone??
I am loving the mission. There are trials, physically and spiritually, but they are so worth the blessings that come after them. I have never been happier. This past week we saw a lot of blessings.
We will be having a baptism this Sunday!! Ismar has so much faith and determination to follow Jesus Christ. Also, we have an investigator that is super calidad. He came to church for the first time this past Sunday and loved it. We were on our way to the church and he said hermanas I read in my pamphlet that usually we were white shirts and ties to church, but I don't own a white shirt and tie. We explained that his red polo shirt was fine. He has so much faith and wants to learn. The second time we visited with him he asked if we had received an answer to our prayers before. He is praying to know if everything is true and if he should get baptized on the 3rd of December and really wants an answer.
Oh and last week I turned 20 years old and completed 10 months in the mission (:
con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
I am loving the mission. There are trials, physically and spiritually, but they are so worth the blessings that come after them. I have never been happier. This past week we saw a lot of blessings.
We will be having a baptism this Sunday!! Ismar has so much faith and determination to follow Jesus Christ. Also, we have an investigator that is super calidad. He came to church for the first time this past Sunday and loved it. We were on our way to the church and he said hermanas I read in my pamphlet that usually we were white shirts and ties to church, but I don't own a white shirt and tie. We explained that his red polo shirt was fine. He has so much faith and wants to learn. The second time we visited with him he asked if we had received an answer to our prayers before. He is praying to know if everything is true and if he should get baptized on the 3rd of December and really wants an answer.
Oh and last week I turned 20 years old and completed 10 months in the mission (:
con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
9 months, What??
So I was told I need to share a more descriptive email about my new area (I almost have a month here in Petapa...) San miguel Petapa is a city on the outskirts of the capital: More people wear jeans than they do corte. Quite a few know English and if they don't they want to learn. The members are great, we are trying to get more of them to leave and do visits with us. A lot of them treat my companion and I like their hijas. I honestly love the members. My district compiles of 6 missionaries, including my companion and I. Our zone has 16 missionaries (the biggest zone I have been in). The capital is great, I am honestly still getting used to it.
This past week I completed 9 months in the mission. Everyone calls me old in the mission and says I will be leaving soon. I don't feel like I have been in the mission for 9 months, but time flies when you are serving the Lord I guess. In these nine months:
I have had 4 areas, 7 companions (counting my CCM companion)
I have learned to love people in a matter of minutes of meeting them.
I have learned and felt the love of Christ.
I have seen how the gospel changes lives.
I have learned to love the Book of Mormon more than ever before. I have learned that our smiles are the message, because the gospel is happiness.
I have learned that I don't need to know Spanish perfectly for people to feel the spirit and I am working hard to be better in Spanish.
I have laughed, cried, and enjoyed these past 9 months.
I can't wait to spend the next 9 months teaching repentance and baptizing converts in beautiful Guatemala.
con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
1. My second mom and her family
2. Brownies for 9 months (yes I froze them after to put in ice cream)
3 and 4 It is a lot harder than I thought to make a fake pregnant belly...
So I was told I need to share a more descriptive email about my new area (I almost have a month here in Petapa...) San miguel Petapa is a city on the outskirts of the capital: More people wear jeans than they do corte. Quite a few know English and if they don't they want to learn. The members are great, we are trying to get more of them to leave and do visits with us. A lot of them treat my companion and I like their hijas. I honestly love the members. My district compiles of 6 missionaries, including my companion and I. Our zone has 16 missionaries (the biggest zone I have been in). The capital is great, I am honestly still getting used to it.
This past week I completed 9 months in the mission. Everyone calls me old in the mission and says I will be leaving soon. I don't feel like I have been in the mission for 9 months, but time flies when you are serving the Lord I guess. In these nine months:
I have had 4 areas, 7 companions (counting my CCM companion)
I have learned to love people in a matter of minutes of meeting them.
I have learned and felt the love of Christ.
I have seen how the gospel changes lives.
I have learned to love the Book of Mormon more than ever before. I have learned that our smiles are the message, because the gospel is happiness.
I have learned that I don't need to know Spanish perfectly for people to feel the spirit and I am working hard to be better in Spanish.
I have laughed, cried, and enjoyed these past 9 months.
I can't wait to spend the next 9 months teaching repentance and baptizing converts in beautiful Guatemala.
con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
1. My second mom and her family
2. Brownies for 9 months (yes I froze them after to put in ice cream)
3 and 4 It is a lot harder than I thought to make a fake pregnant belly...
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
A Week of Miracles
Hola! How are all of you guys? I am doing great. I am alive :) I still love being a missionary! This week was super cool, hard but cool. We are helping people prepare for their baptisms. We have one investigator that knows the church is true and everything, but is scared to be baptized. Sometimes the Lord asks us to do hard things or do things that scare us to show our faith. I love helping people get over their fear and act with their faith. He went to the wrong church building this Sunday. It takes us 20-30 minutes to get to this church building for our reunions in a bus and he takes his bike to church. Talk about faith (: We also had many miracles happen on Sunday. We had investigators come that we didn't even know. One came from one of my contacts through the week and brought his wife. I was so happy. I love seeing people in church. One of my favorite parts of Sunday. So, I have been slacking and haven't sent a photo with my new companion and I have 3 weeks with her. We went to Antigua this Monday, it was great to be in the mountains again and to just relax as a zone. I know this church is true. I know that anyone can change when they act with faith. I know everyone has great potential.
con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
1. Hermana Bonilla and I in Antigua
2. Our District because our district leader likes to take pictures. He is the American.
con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
1. Hermana Bonilla and I in Antigua
2. Our District because our district leader likes to take pictures. He is the American.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
San Miguel Petapa
Hola Todos!
I have so much to write and tell you all, but I do not have a lot of time. I am great. I am dying a little bit of heat. I miss my mountains. I love the capital. They have Walmart :) We have seen so many miracles already in our area and it is only week 3. One miracle is that Hno Ramon and Hno Ismar went to church this past Sunday. Hno Ramon was so cute with his himnario and libro de mormón. I loved conference. The church is true. The Book of Mormon is true. I love it. I love reading it. I love sharing this gospel with everyone that I can meet. I love Spanish if you can believe it.
Hermana Tibbits
Our district
Hna Beck and I (we watched conference together in English :)
El Libro de Mormón the only book I carry in my hands every day.
I have so much to write and tell you all, but I do not have a lot of time. I am great. I am dying a little bit of heat. I miss my mountains. I love the capital. They have Walmart :) We have seen so many miracles already in our area and it is only week 3. One miracle is that Hno Ramon and Hno Ismar went to church this past Sunday. Hno Ramon was so cute with his himnario and libro de mormón. I loved conference. The church is true. The Book of Mormon is true. I love it. I love reading it. I love sharing this gospel with everyone that I can meet. I love Spanish if you can believe it.
Hermana Tibbits
Our district
Hna Beck and I (we watched conference together in English :)
El Libro de Mormón the only book I carry in my hands every day.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Hola! Well, the time came to leave El Tejar. I am now in San Miguel Petapa with Hermana Bonilla! So far I love it. It is a bit of a change, because it is the capital and I am not used to the climate. I will miss the mountains. I am excited for a new adventure and to find and meet more people. I love you all! Conference is this weekend! General Conference is one of my favorite things. I would invite you all to have a question and write it down before you watch conference. I know you will receive your answer if you have a question and write it. I know that Thomas Monson is a prophet of God. I am so excited for all the talks and advice that I need to hear, learn and apply.
Con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
Saying goodbye
My new view when I study (:
Con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
Saying goodbye
My new view when I study (:
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Bendito El Tejar
Hola todos! I am still doing great! I love being a missionary and saying that I am a representative of Jesus Christ. It is the best feeling and I almost think it sounds better in Español ;) This week was a rollercoaster in itself, but we finished it with smiles. We are going to go to have changes this next week. Vamos a ver que pasa. We had a baptism this week. It was amazing to see the desire of these 2 girls to come unto Christ. One is 11 years old and one is 15 years old. When we taught them, we taught them how we would teach our sisters. I love my sisters and want the very best for them, so seeing Kency and Sara in white for their baptisms was the greatest. They have grown up and changed in this month that we have known them. I have faith that they will keep learning and growing in the gospel and maybe one day serve missions. We got to go to an activity to play football and hang out as missionaries for the 15th of September.
Hermana Tibbits
The baptisms
Photos of the activity (Yes, Tennessee is home ;) )
Rainy days

Hermana Tibbits
The baptisms
Photos of the activity (Yes, Tennessee is home ;) )
Rainy days
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
No tuvimos cambios
So a lot has happened in the past two weeks. The mission is great. I love being a missionary. My companion and I are doing great. There have been bumps in the road, but I know it is for our benefit. We found some bien calidad people this week. Honestly, I love the mission. I love contacting and teaching people. I know that there are people prepared. We just have to do our part to find them. We found a 14 yr old girl who has a lot of family problems. She wants to learn more and be with her family for forever. She came to the church this Sunday sólita. Pure example of faith. Our convert has had a lot of problems this past week. He got robbed twice and his parents practically kicked him out of the house, but he was there in the capilla early for his confirmation. I know there are people ready and that the Lord trusts us that we will find them, invite them and help them.
I love you all!
con amor,
Hna Tibbits
1. When your companion does your makeup at 10:00pm

2. When your convert buys you un montón amount of food

3. Volcano. Beautiful Guatemala

I love you all!
con amor,
Hna Tibbits
1. When your companion does your makeup at 10:00pm
2. When your convert buys you un montón amount of food
3. Volcano. Beautiful Guatemala
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
7 months down, forever to go (:2
Hey everyone!!
This has been a crazy last two weeks. It has been a rollercoaster from almost the lowest lows to the most happy I have ever felt.
This past week a dear friend and hermana in my mission died as a missionary. I know she is with our Father in heaven and continues to preach the gospel from the other side. It was a hard day for our mission, but we have seen blessings from this and have felt peace. We had a memorial service for her this past wednesday.
Josué was baptized this past Sunday.He had problems with baptism for the longest time, because he was baptized before in another church. We went to visit him on Thursday and he told us he had a surprise for us. We talked him into telling us what it was and he had decided to be baptized. We challenged him to be baptized the next Sunday and he told us he would send us a message in the night. He sent us a sweet message about how we have changed his life and he is ready to be baptized. A true convert (: He wants to be a missionary to bring more souls unto Christ.
We had cambios this past Tuesday and Hna Sánchez and I will be together for another 6 weeks in El Tejar. More baptisms to come ;)
con amor,
Hna Tibbits
1. El bautismo de Josué
2. The family we eat with every Sunday
3. Service with the zone
5. My sister in the mission.. Hna Romero finished hna López´s training before training me

2. The family we eat with every Sunday

3. Service with the zone

5. My sister in the mission.. Hna Romero finished hna López´s training before training me
This has been a crazy last two weeks. It has been a rollercoaster from almost the lowest lows to the most happy I have ever felt.
This past week a dear friend and hermana in my mission died as a missionary. I know she is with our Father in heaven and continues to preach the gospel from the other side. It was a hard day for our mission, but we have seen blessings from this and have felt peace. We had a memorial service for her this past wednesday.
Josué was baptized this past Sunday.He had problems with baptism for the longest time, because he was baptized before in another church. We went to visit him on Thursday and he told us he had a surprise for us. We talked him into telling us what it was and he had decided to be baptized. We challenged him to be baptized the next Sunday and he told us he would send us a message in the night. He sent us a sweet message about how we have changed his life and he is ready to be baptized. A true convert (: He wants to be a missionary to bring more souls unto Christ.
We had cambios this past Tuesday and Hna Sánchez and I will be together for another 6 weeks in El Tejar. More baptisms to come ;)
con amor,
Hna Tibbits
1. El bautismo de Josué
2. The family we eat with every Sunday
3. Service with the zone
5. My sister in the mission.. Hna Romero finished hna López´s training before training me
2. The family we eat with every Sunday
3. Service with the zone
5. My sister in the mission.. Hna Romero finished hna López´s training before training me
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Hard Week
President Cluff,
This week has been hard to say the least, but we are in the lucha every day. I know there is a reason for the things that have happened this past week and today. I know that the Lord has a plan for each and every one of us that leads to happiness we can not imagine. I know the Lord knows me and my deseos y desafios. I love this gospel and the happiness it has brought my family and me. I know you received an email from my mom this week. My cousin is going home today from the CCM. My heart breaks for him, but I know it is for the best if the CCM president says he needs to recover. I know that the sadness we feel is only for a moment and that it is a way we can recognize when we are truly happy. I love the mission. I love the happiness that I have felt as I have shared the gospel and served the people of Guatemala. This time is as great as a time to seguir adelante and serve. The best thing to do right now is forget ourselves and serve. I know that you and all the mission presidents are called of God. I know you want the best for us and receive revelation for us. Thank you for all that you do for us. Thank you for coming to Guatemala and bringing your family too. We love you all dearly. Thank you.
This week has been hard to say the least, but we are in the lucha every day. I know there is a reason for the things that have happened this past week and today. I know that the Lord has a plan for each and every one of us that leads to happiness we can not imagine. I know the Lord knows me and my deseos y desafios. I love this gospel and the happiness it has brought my family and me. I know you received an email from my mom this week. My cousin is going home today from the CCM. My heart breaks for him, but I know it is for the best if the CCM president says he needs to recover. I know that the sadness we feel is only for a moment and that it is a way we can recognize when we are truly happy. I love the mission. I love the happiness that I have felt as I have shared the gospel and served the people of Guatemala. This time is as great as a time to seguir adelante and serve. The best thing to do right now is forget ourselves and serve. I know that you and all the mission presidents are called of God. I know you want the best for us and receive revelation for us. Thank you for all that you do for us. Thank you for coming to Guatemala and bringing your family too. We love you all dearly. Thank you.
More Miracles in El Tejar
I love being a missionary here, especially in El Tejar. There are so many miracles here in our area. I know that the Lord has put my companion and I together in this area for a reason.
Our zone baptized 10 people this past Saturday in our Noche Blanca. We now have 2 new conversos in our area. We were all so happy and the spirit was so strong. I know there are people waiting to know the truth and all we have to do is act our part. I really do love putting Christ´s name over my heart everyday and everyone sees His name and not my own. Honestly, I love being Hermana Tibbits.
Read 1 Nephi 10:19 (:
I love you all!
con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
Baptisms and fun times together (:
I love being a missionary here, especially in El Tejar. There are so many miracles here in our area. I know that the Lord has put my companion and I together in this area for a reason.
Our zone baptized 10 people this past Saturday in our Noche Blanca. We now have 2 new conversos in our area. We were all so happy and the spirit was so strong. I know there are people waiting to know the truth and all we have to do is act our part. I really do love putting Christ´s name over my heart everyday and everyone sees His name and not my own. Honestly, I love being Hermana Tibbits.
Read 1 Nephi 10:19 (:
I love you all!
con amor,
Hermana Tibbits
Baptisms and fun times together (:
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Milagros Exist
Buenas! Well I have never been happier. I honestly love sharing the gospel. Our zone is going to have a noche blanca this Saturday. We only had possibilities for this Saturday. We now have a baptism this Saturday!! Also Bienvenido Elder Thompson a Guatemala!!
Maria went to church this past Sunday. My companion and I after the sacrament meeting pulled her aside to have a lesson with her. We had an amazing lesson with her about how we can change our lives and be better. We then asked her what would keep her from being baptized and she said nothing. We asked her when she would be willing to be baptized and she replied when you two can prepare my baptism. She will be baptized this Saturday and we all are super excited. We asked her the other night if she is ready for Saturday and she replied for my baptism? Sí!
I also got sent to the office yesterday to go learn how to give a shot and will give an Hna, in my zone, 3 shots in the next 2 weeks. (videos and photos to follow next week) Everyone jokes that I am going to be the next nurse.
Everything is possible. There is no room for faith if we have fear or doubts in our hearts. There are blessings waiting for us and all we have to do is act in faith.
Read 1 Nephi 7:12 (:
con amor,
Hna Tibbits
Hna Tibbits
Maria went to church this past Sunday. My companion and I after the sacrament meeting pulled her aside to have a lesson with her. We had an amazing lesson with her about how we can change our lives and be better. We then asked her what would keep her from being baptized and she said nothing. We asked her when she would be willing to be baptized and she replied when you two can prepare my baptism. She will be baptized this Saturday and we all are super excited. We asked her the other night if she is ready for Saturday and she replied for my baptism? Sí!
I also got sent to the office yesterday to go learn how to give a shot and will give an Hna, in my zone, 3 shots in the next 2 weeks. (videos and photos to follow next week) Everyone jokes that I am going to be the next nurse.
Everything is possible. There is no room for faith if we have fear or doubts in our hearts. There are blessings waiting for us and all we have to do is act in faith.
Read 1 Nephi 7:12 (:
con amor,
Hna Tibbits
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